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10 Budget Foods for Weight Loss

Living on a budget? Look no further cause we’ve got you covered. Here are the top 10 best budget-friendly foods for weight loss.

1. Oats

When it comes to weight loss, a healthy breakfast is a must. A delicious and healthy breakfast option that can suit any budget is oatmeal.

Oatmeal is a good source of soluble fiber that can keep you feeling full longer and keep hunger pangs under control until your next meal.

A bowl of oatmeal daily can also help your metabolic health.

A 2016 study published in Nutrients concludes that both short- and long-term oat intake had significant effects on controlling hyperglycemia, lowering blood lipids and reducing weight. The study recommends oats as a good whole grain for overweight diabetics.

When eating oatmeal, avoid adding sugar. Instead use stevia, honey or spices like cinnamon or nutmeg to give it flavor. You can also top it with healthy nuts and fruits.

2. Greek Yogurt

Another good and healthy breakfast option is Greek yogurt. Buying a container of yogurt will not cost you much.

This yogurt contains probiotic bacteria that can improve the functioning of your gut, which in turn protects against inflammation and leptin resistance, the main hormonal driver of obesity.

The high protein in yogurt can help you feel full longer and ward off hunger by keeping your blood sugar levels steady.

Also, the high amount of calcium in it supports the process of weight loss.

A 2003 study by the University of Tennessee found that eating three servings of yogurt a day can increase fat loss.

Furthermore, the protein content in Greek yogurt causes reduced hunger, increased fullness and delayed subsequent eating, according to a 2013 study published in Appetite.

3. Air-Popped Popcorn

If you love eating popcorn, instead of salted or buttered popcorn, try homemade air-popped popcorn mixed with different spice blends. This is much cheaper and also aids weight loss.

One cup of plain, air-popped popcorn contains very little calories and a good amount of fiber, which can keep you full for a longer time. Air-popped popcorn also contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, and copper.

In a 2012 study published in the Nutrition Journal, participants reported less hunger, more satisfaction and lower estimates of prospective food consumption after 6 cups of popcorn as compared to potato chips.

Another 2012 study published by the American Chemical Society found that popcorn contains more of the healthy antioxidant substances called polyphenols than fruits and vegetables.

4. Grapefruit

One budget-friendly fruit that deserves to be on this list is grapefruit. Packed with vitamin C, fiber and water, grapefruit aids weight loss. The vitamin C content has a direct impact on metabolism, which is important for burning fat.

It’s also low in calories and can help you feel full longer. Plus, this fruit is rich in vitamins A and B6, potassium, folate, thiamin, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus and magnesium.

A 2006 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that half of a fresh grapefruit eaten before meals were associated with significant weight loss.

5. Apples

Eating an apple daily will not only keep the doctor away but also keep your body weight under control.

Apart from being low in calories, apples are a rich source of fiber, which means your stomach stays satisfied longer and prevents you from overeating. Plus, the antioxidants in apples may give a boost to your metabolism, which is important to get rid of stored fat.

Apples also contain other important nutrients including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. They are also low in calories and contain no fat or cholesterol.

Whenever you feel hungry in between meals, just grab an apple. As most of the nutrients are present just under the skin, it is a good idea to eat apples with the skin.

6. Green Tea

If you have the habit of drinking coffee, then it is time to switch to green tea. Whether you make coffee at home or buy a cup at a café, coffee costs more than green tea.

Also, green tea is much healthier than coffee and even supports weight loss.

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, which may boost your immune system. In fact, the catechins in green tea hinder the storage of belly fat and aid rapid weight loss.

7. Spinach

Another budget-friendly vegetable that you must include in your weight loss diet plan is spinach. This green leafy vegetable comes very cheap but is very high in nutritional value.

Spinach is low in calories and carbohydrates and packed with nutrients and fiber to fill you up. Spinach will increase the volume of your meals, without increasing the calories.

It also has calcium that aids the fat-burning process.

8. Beans, Legumes and Pulses

Beans, legumes, and pulses are healthy foods that you can buy in bulk and enjoy daily.

They are rich in fiber and protein. This means just a bowl of cooked beans, legumes or pulses can keep you full for a longer time. They also contain little to no fat and are cholesterol-free.

In addition, they are packed with iron, magnesium, potassium, and folate. These foods also have a low glycemic index, which means the carbohydrates in them do not significantly raise blood sugar levels.

9. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese made from curdled milk is readily available in the market, or you can even make it at home. Cottage cheese has a sweet and fresh taste that most people like.

Being a dairy product, cottage cheese tends to be high in protein, making it very satiating and keeping you full for a longer time period. The high calcium in it also aids the fat-burning process.

In addition, cottage cheese contains vitamin A, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and zinc.

You can eat cottage cheese as a snack after seasoning it with some herbs. You can also use it in sandwiches, salads, soups and stir-fry dishes. Make sure you opt for low-fat or nonfat cottage cheese.

10. Carrots

It is true that carrots are good for your eyes, but they are also good for your weight and your pocketbook.

Due to the high fiber and water content in carrots, they can increase satiety and decrease calorie intake.

This crunchy and tasty vegetable is also a good source of beta-carotene, vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants.


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